Thursday, 10 February 2011

ALWAYS BE 100% not my moto we are. I have 3.5 days left (approximately) before I fly on out and panic has finally decided to rear its disgustingly (more than the average) ugly head. I decided that today would be a fine day to buy a rucksack for my travels....yep that last sentence should give you some sort of gage as to how the rest of this post is going to go.

Unfortunately for me (or fortunately however you look at it) things never really seem to phase me until the very last minute. I mean I can be quietly content plodding along, drawing in my sketchbook, frolicking about and then BAM! suddenly reality hits me, like a football to the back of the god damn head.....we've all been there. It's not a pleasant feeling.

Anyway, thank goodness it did hit me because I realised I still had a few other rather essential things to some sort of accommodation for my first night being one.
Now I have been saving for quite some time to go travelling the far off lands that grace this world and as such have become (how can I put this) a little unyielding with my outgoings. So as you can imagine selecting accommodation has proven to be a bit of a mission. Browsing what Singapore had to offer was easy enough but selecting somewhere to stay has been a nightmare for me.....

You have the £5 hostels, awesome...but why are they so cheap? What are they lacking? Will I be killed in my bed in the night? Or the day? Will there be WiFi? Can I trust this amazing price? and then you have the £15 hostels....Why are they so expensive?!! and finally you have the mid-priced hostels...they seem alright, they could be cheaper though. I'm not the most decisive person in the world so you'll probably have gathered that this has yet to be finalised.

The accommodation issue is nothing in relation to the final problem. The actual location of my travelling companion and as it happens one of my most treasured friends is not at present known precisely so if you're out there Rach, call me......?

I'll keep you updated with that!

Love and panic and fear and just all of the things mashed up into a ball! Laura x


  1. I'm now following you so I can stalk you all the time, I made a google account just so I could do this. Always remember Laura, when in Rome....

  2. jen you are nothing but an angel of a sister and like a duck to water i shall always take your wisdom wherever i go.
    Alfie i'm not sure why you're not following me?
    Or why you're not here?

  3. Hi Laura, I signed up but I cant work out how to follow you....any tips?
    ooh its so great to hear how you going! I was thinking about you all yesterday and getting nervous for you..I hope you enjoy Singapore for your few days and manage to hook up with Rach. Im so excited for you!!!!
